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Frequently Asked Questions

What does 4m3 certified firewood look like?

Our firewood is sold as a thrown measurement into certified bins which is issued by Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment. Stacked volume will reduce by about 1/3 (4 cubic meters of thrown wood is roughly equivalent to 2.7 cubic meters stacked. Log size will vary and therefore the overall stacked volume will fluctuate slightly. Photo reflects estimated 4m3 of Douglas-Fir firewood.

How much firewood do I need to purchase?

This will depend on your house size and whether your home during the day. Smaller homes are generally easier to heat and therefore burn less firewood per year. We recommend between 4 cubic meters to 6 cubic meters (4m3-6m3) for those that require evening and weekend burning. Larger homes and for those home during the day will burn more firewood. 8 cubic meters or more(8m3). We supply firewood all year round so topping up throughout the year is a good option. 4m3 options are better value for money compared 2m3.

What wood type is best for me?

Starting your firewood with kindling will create hot embers which is essential for a good fire.

If you’re looking for a quick instant heat after work, then consider Split Pine or Douglas-Fir to create an efficient hot fire. Medium wood types like Macrocarpa and Douglas-fir are great for heat output and a reasonable burn time. You can choose to mix these two wood types for a lovely cozy fire. For those that require a longer burn time, Gum is a hardwood and will provide a long hot burn. We do advise mix burning Gum with our other wood types.

When Manuka is available this is our premium native hardwood and used for ambiance and high heat output.

Is the firewood ready to burn upon delivery?

Our best advice is to order early before running out.

Seasoned wood requires a well ventilated covered area. Wood is a natural product and therefore releases and absorbs moisture from the air and ground. During wet periods/seasons you can expect surface moisture on the outside of the wood as our logs are stored outside in the open air. Surface moisture will release quickly when seasoned firewood is stored correctly.

We take pride in providing hassle-free products so that you can enjoy a cozy fire.