Douglas-Fir 4m3
Fully Seasoned, requires 2-3 weeks airing from delivery
Douglas-Fir is a medium-density firewood with good heat output and a reasonably long burn time. It’s easy to start the fire with and a clean burning wood which is good for our environment. It has a unique ability to shed rain, this makes it suitable for purchasing and burning during long wet seasons. Suitable for both open fires and log burners.
Good to know:
Douglas-Fir is sustainably harvested from managed forests looking after this species. Forests are harvested according to firm guidelines.
Clean burn which is much healthier for the environment, fire & flue.
Burns hot with less ash than other firewood types.
Douglas-Fir is easy to ignite from a cold fire and comes up to temperature quickly.
Make sure your firebox and flue are cleaned and inspected each year for your firewood to work efficiently.